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Core Values

Our Core Values

From its inception, a major strength of The Arc movement has been that parents, family members, and volunteers have governed the organization. In recent years, self-advocates have also assumed important roles. Parents, family members, self-advocates, and other volunteers are the driving force of The Arc. From the grassroots of The Arc come the dreams, the philosophy that drives the core values, the ability to shape public policy, and the mutual support that parents and self-advocates provide for one another.
People First
The Arc believes that individuals with developmental and other disabilities have strengths, abilities, and inherent value, are equal before the law, and must be treated with dignity and respect. The Arc represents, supports, and acts on behalf of individuals and their families regardless of the level of disability or membership in The Arc. The Arc believes in self-determination by empowering people with the support needed to make informed decisions and choices.
Visionary Leadership
The Arc leads by promoting the mission, core values, and position statements. We lead with integrity, and accountability, and by open, honest, and timely communication. We collaboratively work with individuals, organizations, and other coalitions of shared values and vision. A valued partnership exists with volunteers and staff leadership at all levels of the organization that provides mutual support for their respective roles.
Community Participation
The Arc works toward and believes in the community imperative: that all people have the fundamental moral, civil, and constitutional rights to live, learn, work, play and worship in safe and healthy communities of their choosing. The Arc has the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of these individuals.
The Arc values and insists upon diversity in its leadership and membership. The Arc actively pursues and welcomes diverse groups including but not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, age, geographic location, sexual orientation, gender, and level of disability.
Integrity and Excellence
The Arc conducts its business with integrity, and accountability, and reflects quality and excellence in all its work.